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  • Writer's pictureAngelica Aga

Teaching Plan in SMA Negeri 3

Updated: Feb 25, 2018

SMA Negeri 3 Teaching Plan according to its curriculum and teaching plan in mathematics.


After I observed the curriculum of the school, I saw that all the goals were met by every teacher in SMA 3. They must produce students with the ability to be productive in everything they do, to be creative, and to be innovative Indonesian people through strengthening the attitudes and skills and must integrate the knowledge in order to realize productively. Also, the teacher makes sure that the learning process must be interactive, with inspiration, fun, challenging, motivate learners to participate actively in the class, with creativity, and independence according to the student’s talents, interests, and physical and psychological development.

In Mathematics, the math teacher must develop to his/her students the reasoning skills, communication skills, and problem solving, because we believe that mathematics is always used in all aspects of life. We just don’t get to see it in a blink of an eye but when we try to realize and think the impossibilities about math, then we can see clearly the use of math in life.

Teaching Plan in Mathematics

The goal of every teacher in math is to teach the student in a simpler way or easier way, so they use the expository method because this really helps the students to understand it really well. Expository method is very effective in teaching the students in Math because the teacher first discusses the concept about a certain topic by asking some question to the students – with this the student is learning based on what they discovered and what they understand on their own and this will become experiential learning – meaning the information came from the students. After the concept is already structured, then the teacher may give some sample problems so that students will have the idea on how a certain problem is solved – this includes the process or the steps. Next, the teacher must provide more seatworks for practice and also this will validate if they really understand the topic or if they have any questions in certain part of the discussion.

The teacher let the students work on their own so that they will have the ability to solve it independently. Expository is usually used for math because in learning math you should be more critical thinker.

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