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Writer's pictureAngelica Aga

Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Samarinda: General Information and Academic Administration

Updated: Feb 25, 2018

The Mulawarman University (UNMUL) in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia have many partner schools in Samarinda and one of which is the Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 (SMA Negeri 3) a public senior high school located in Jalan Juanda, Samarinda.

Here are the General Information and Academic Administration of SMA Negeri 3:

Photo in Mulawarman University during the Welcome Orientation



"Building a Religious, Achieving, Characteristic and Globally Generated Generation"


  1. Cultivate a religious attitude.

  2. Strengthen the cultural values ​​and character of the nation

  3. Strengthen the culture of learning and quality culture

  4. Print graduates who are globally competitive

  5. Optimizing 8 national education standards

  6. Improve academic and non academic achievement

  7. Implement clean, transparent and professional school management.

  8. Increase the support of parents and students.

  9. Strengthening cooperation with overseas through PASCH.

School Administration

Principal : Abdul Rozak Fahrudin, M.Pd

Vice Principal(s)

  • Curriculum Field : Suyudi, M.Pd

  • Field of Student Affairs : Dra. Warsiatun

  • Field Facilities and Infrastructure : Muslim, M. Pd

  • Field of Public Relations : Siti Lailin N.H, S.Pd

Head of administration

  • Partner Program Schulen der Zukunft (PASCH) and Curriculum Developers

- Dra. Sri Widayati, M.Pd

  • Coordinator of PASCH Management Team and German Language Laboratory Library

- Roni Wijaya, S.Pd

Head of Library : Asan, S.Pd

Head of Laboratory : Soesilowaty Halim, S.Pd

  • Physical Laboratory Manager : Devin Purnawati, S.Pd

  • Chemical Laboratory Manager : Eka Purwaning Tyas, S.Pd

  • Biology Laboratory Manager : Tri Retno Hapsari, S.Pd

  • TIK Laboratory Manager : Suretno, S.Pd

  • IPS Laboratory Manager : Dra. Ni Made Darmiasih

  • English Laboratory Manager : Rabiatul Adawiyah, M.Pd

Activity Unit Coordinator:

  • BK Coordinator : Dra. Hj. Herlina

  • MGMP Coordinator : Amin Yusuf, M.Pd

  • School Value Manager Coordinator : Suretno, S.Pd

  • Ceremony Coordinator : Erna Yudiwati, S.Pd

  • KBM Coordinator : Margaretha Nuri A, S.Pd

  • Coordinator of Tatib and Tata Krama

o Grade 10 : Soesilowaty Halim, S.Pd

o Grade 11 : Asan, S.Pd

o Grade 12 : Dra. Hj. Julinah, M.Pd

  • · Coordinator of PAI and Spirituality : Dra. H. Hairan

  • · PIKET Coordinator : Dience Mohonis

  • · Dapodik Coordinator : Jaka Rahmadaniansyah

Technician : Tedy Arsyad, S.Pd


Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 (SMAN 3/ SMA 3/ SMAGA) in Samarinda is a public senior high school. It is located in Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No. 20, Air Hitam, Samarinda Ulu, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75243, Indonesia.

SMA Negeri 3 have 3 grade levels, starting from Grade 10 to 12. In Grade 10, there are 10 sections and in every sections there are 36 students. In Grade 11 and 12, there 9 sections with 38 students in each class. The student body composed of mostly Muslim/Islam students (80% of the students’ population), 15% are Catholic and Protestant, and 5% are Buddhist or Hindu.

The teachers in SMA 3 is composed of 68 teachers (guru) with 20 departments which are Ekonomi, BK, Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti, Pendidikan Agama Katolik dan Budi Pekerti, Pendidikan Agama Protestant dan Budi Pekerti, Pendidikan Agama/ Waka Sapras, Bahasa Arab, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Jerman, Biologi, Sisiologi, Fisika, Geographi, Prakarya dan Kew, Sejarah Indonesia, Kimia, Matematika, Penjaskes, Waka Humas, and Seni Budaya.


Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 3 Samarinda is composed of 1,044 students from grade 10-12. The school have 2 kinds of classes, one is the science classes or what they called MIPA/IPA and the other is the social classes or what they called IPS. Science classes includes the major subjects like English, Higher Maths like Calculus, and Science subjects, and mostly the students know how to speak and understand English. While the social classes have the general education and few of the students know how to speak and understand Bahasa Inggris or English language

The school has 2 semesters and it opens starting from July until December for the 1st semester and for the 2nd semester, it starts from January to June. They don’t have summer break for the whole school year (1st and 2nd semester), but they only way they can get a rest is during Ramadan. Other school have their break but some school they just have a half-day class during the Ramadan.

Academic support system

SMA Negeri 3 Samarinda is supported by the government because all Negeri schools (public schools) in Indonesia is funded by their government. The education in any Negeri schools is free, so Indonesian students can go to the school without any tuition fees.

The government is the one who supports the academic system of the Negeri school starting from building the school to the facilities and equipment used by the employees, teachers, and students.

The school doesn’t have any scholarships because it is already free for the students.

Every adviser has the contact to the parents of his/her students via whatsapp. This is used to contact their parents easily, especially if there are any meetings to attend, announcements from the school, and also for updating the parents about the student’s performance. The principal also has the contact to some of the parents in the school via whatsapp group – he used it if there are any announcements coming from the office of the principal.

Teaching system

The medium of instruction in every school in Indonesia is Bahasa Indonesia which is their national language. All the subjects they used is Indonesian language, even in English class, but the literature or the textbooks they used in English is also in English but the way the teacher explains it is in Bahasa Indonesia. Since in Indonesia the English language is their 3rd language or a foreign language.

The maximum no. of teaching hours of a teacher is 4 hours and the minimum is 2 hours. In the case of my coordinator teacher, in MIPA/IPA classes in every meeting they have 3 hours teaching and in IPS classes is 2 hours teaching only.

Materials and other learning sources

The materials used by the students and teacher in teaching are the books in the library and other references like other textbooks the teacher prefer and some internet sources. Students are allowed to use the computer they have in school for research and other things that is related to school works. They also use the computer in conducting a test during the Final Exam. They also have some projectors to use during the class discussions, some powerpoint presentations, video presentations, and etc.

Measurement and evaluation system

The education unit determines a KKM for all subjects at either a grade or school level.

The KKM School of each subject is determined, the educational unit can establish the same KKM by considering the lowest, average, or mode of the entire KKM subjects.

Predicate Interval Determination Table:

The predicate interval table uses the average approach with the interval formula:

SMA 3: KKM=75, then the predicate interval is:

Concentration of values:


The rationale of the curriculum of the school is based on the Course Syllabus of Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah in Mathematics.


The theme for the development of Curriculum 2013 is a curriculum that can produce productive, creative, innovative Indonesian people through strengthening attitudes, skills and integrated knowledge in order to realize productive, creative and innovative Indonesian people. Therefore, the learning process in educational unit is held interactively, inspiration, fun, challenging, and motivate learners to participate actively, and provide enough space for initiative, creativity, and independence according to talent, interest, and physical and psychological development of participants educate.

In general, mathematics learning aims to learners have the skills or math skills. Mathematics skills or skills are part of the life skills that learners must possess especially in the development of reasoning, communication, and problem solving faced in the lives of everyday learners. Mathematics is always used in all aspects of life.

All fields of study require appropriate mathematical skills, a logical, concise and clear means of communication that can be used to present information in various ways, to improve logical thinking, precision and spatial awareness, to satisfy challenging business challenges, to develop creativity, and means to raise awareness of the development of science and technology.

Mathematics learning in SMA / MA / SMK / MAK is directed to encourage learners to find out from various sources, able to formulate problems rather than just solving simple problems in everyday life. In addition, learning is directed to train learners to think logically and creatively rather than just thinking mechanically and able to work together and collaborate in solving problems.

Math learning is done in order to achieve the competence of spiritual attitudes, social attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The development of competence of spiritual attitude and social attitude is done through indirect teaching (Indirect Teaching).

Mathematics syllabus SMA / MA / SMK / MAK syllabus prepared with the format and presentation / writing is simple so easily understood and implemented by the teacher. The simplification of the format is intended to make the presentation more efficient, not too many pages but the scope and substance are not reduced, and still consider the sequence of the material and its competence. The preparation of this syllabus is done with the principle of harmony between idea, design, and implementation of curriculum; easy to teach by the teacher (teachable); easy to learn by learners; measurable; and meaningful to learn (worth to learn) as a provision for the life and continuation of education learners.

This syllabus is flexible, contextual, and provides opportunities for teachers to develop and implement learning, and accommodate local advantages. On the basis of these principles, the syllabus component includes basic competencies, learning materials, and learning activities. The learning description contained in the syllabus is an activity-based alternative.

Learning is an alternative and inspirational so that teachers can develop a variety of models in accordance with the characteristics of each subject. In implementing these syllabus teachers are expected to be creative in materials development, management of learning process, use of methods and learning model, adapted to the situation and condition of society and the level of development of learners’ ability.

The mathematical competence of primary and secondary education is illustrated as follows.

The scope of Mathematics (Specialization) SMA / MA includes:

  1. Algebra

  2. Trigonometry

  3. Geometry

  4. Statistics and opportunities

  5. Geometry

The following are the scope of Mathematics in every grade level:

  • Grade 10

  1. Algebra

  2. Geometry

  3. Trigonometry

  • Grade 11

  1. Algebra

  2. Geometry

  3. Trigonometry

  4. Statistics

  5. Calculus

  • Grade 12

  1. Algebra

  2. Geometry

  3. Trigonometry

  4. Statistics and opportunities

  5. Calculus

Teaching plan in Mathematics

The SMA 3 has competencies after studying mathematics in secondary education and also its applies it in basic education. The graduates of secondary education are expected to have the mastery in mathematics education, to contribute in supporting the achievement of the competence of secondary education graduates through learning experiences, in order to be able to:

  1. understand the concept and apply the procedures of mathematics in everyday life,

  2. make generalizations based on patterns, facts, phenomena or data

  3. performs mathematical operations for simplification, and analysis of existing components,

  4. performs mathematical reasoning which includes making conjectures and verifying them

  5. solving problems and communicating ideas through symbols, tables, diagrams, or other media to clarify circumstances or problems

  6. cultivate positive attitudes such as logical, critical, meticulous, meticulous, and not easily give up in solving problems.

Competence of Mathematics (Specialization) in High School / Madrasah Aliyah as follows:

(this is based on the Course Syllabus of Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah in Mathematics)

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