Here are some of the food that I try during my stay in Samarinda, Indonesia. Allow me to share with you some of the enak (delicious) food in Indonesia.
Mostly some of the food in Indonesia are pedas (spicy), so we are challenged by the food in Indonesia. Even that the food are spicy, it taste so good or enak (delicious).
This is Nasi kuning, it is usually served during breakfast. It is called yellow rice because of the color of the rice.
This is Gato Cenil, it is a traditional food coming from Javanese.
This is Cumi or a sizziling squid.
Nasi Pecil
Mie Ayam (Chicken Noodles)
Nasi & Ayam (rice and fried chicken) - this is what we usually eat everyday.
BAKSO - noodles with meatballs
Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice)
Sate - grilled beef or barbecue in peanut sauce
Nasi, fish, cumi, and chapchai
Gado-Gado (mixed vegetable in peanut sauce) and Mixed fruits in peanut sauce
Famous Iced Teh (Tea) and Thai Teas